Monday, August 22, 2016

what I saw in a Wong Kar Wai movie

Film and film making seems to be about containing and simultaneously enlarging the fragments of life. Transferring and reinterpreting and re-arranging the unstoppable ebb and flow of time.
Capture the veil, the fabric that cushions reality, people feeling things, doing things and affecting events.

What really goes on- we don't know, directors are people too, they do their best to share their ideas but the film isn't the final answer. It is a beautiful medium, in fact a great movie can show us each other, we become a mirror reflecting the other person and the other reflecting us. We are different but the soil of our soul is the same.

Anyway, the above is a bit haphazard and unruly and grandiose and maybe contains many many grammatical mistakes and most honestly not pure in its lack of originality.

Wong Kar Wai. He provides the sea, the lonely boat only for you to climb in and float in his world of half actions and endless innerlogues and excruciating, always mesmerizing sweetsour of loneliness. 

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